the cables are probally rusted out or snapped
Friday, June 3, 2011
Parking Brake issue on a 2004 Ford Explorer?
I just changed the front brake pads on my moms 2004 Ford Explorer... no problems, tightened everything back up... pumped the brakes and whatnot. All good. i jacked up the rear driver side wheel, removed the wheel, took out the two mounting bolts on the back of the caliper but did not move the caliper because I couldn't figure out how. Anyway, i put the bolts back in and remounted the wheel. Again, all good. Or so i thought. I went to Ops check it through our development. When I started the car, i noticed that the ABS light was on. I let that go for the moment because the brakes were working but i was weary. I got out of the driveway and drove around, driving and stopping, driving and stopping... got back into the driveway, all good. Pulled up to the parking spot, put it in park and applied the parking brake. There was almost no resistance on the pedal. I was like, wtf? so, i pressed the pedal in, put my foot on the brake, put the car in neutral and even with the parking brake %26quot;engaged,%26quot; it drifted backwards, and it was working before. I'm clueless as to what's wrong. Can someone help?Parking Brake issue on a 2004 Ford Explorer?the emergency brake is activated when u push the pedal down, then there are cables that tighten up the braked
the cables are probally rusted out or snappedhairdresser to cut this web hosting servers
the cables are probally rusted out or snapped